SWPPP is short for “storm water pollution prevention plan”. Development of a SWPPP is a requirement of a UPDES Storm Water Permit before the application process is completed. A SWPPP is one of the most important requirements of the permit. There is a list of items that must be included in the SWPPP (found in Part III for construction & industrial sites, and Appendix II for industrial sites). A SWPPP should be kept at the site and updated as needed to reflect the current SWPPP activities on the site. Among other things it contains a list of contacts at the site, the responsibility of the Owner and Co-Permittees (for a construction site SWPPP), the nature of construction activity (for a construction site SWPPP), a site map showing location of BMPs and other important items, details of best management practices (BMPs) or control measures to prevent sediment from leaving the site and erosion from occurring, details about how the storm water facilities installed during the construction process will preserve pre-development flows and mitigate pollutants (for a construction site SWPPP), all inspection reports done by the permittee, and how non-storm water at the site is managed.