The International Codes Council will soon begin voting on important changes to the International Residential Code (IRC), the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) and others.
Next week, volunteers in NAHB’s One & Done initiative will receive a list of NAHB’s priorities for the current code cycle and a list of voting officials in their areas. It’s not too late to sign up and join the NAHB members who have made a commitment to engage in the code-writing process. Sign up now at
NAHB provides materials for One & Done volunteers to share with code officials and a list of officials in your area. It is as simple as providing your local code official with our top priority items and asking them to consider NAHB’s positions when they vote.
Last year, NAHB saw favorable votes on 87% of the codes proposals, including 92.5% of high-priority proposals, after the launch of One & Done.
And while NAHB has been successful this year in keeping some very unfavorable code changes off of the ballots, there are still some proposals that could negatively impact builders, including:
- An IRC change that would increase the minimums for stair rise/run from 7 ¾”/10″ to 7″/11″. It may seem like a small change, but it would dramatically alter floor plans, with a 9-foot ceiling requiring two additional steps and an additional 3 feet of stair run.
- An IECC change that would require all new single-family homes with parking areas to be electric vehicle charging station-ready with a dedicated 220 volt, 40 amp circuit.
Sign up today for One & Done and help keep housing affordable, practical and safe.
For additional information, contact Craig Drumheller.